Saturday, June 10, 2017

Honfest 2017

Natalie and I went to Honfest on Saturday. Rob Fahey and Whiskey Train played while we were there. They sounded great. We saw Rob Fahey at Sunset Park in Ocean City a few years back but he sounded a lot better this time. I think his throat must have been a little raw back then. Whiskey Train kind of surprised me. I remember them as being a basic boogie-woogie band but they played all kinds of good stuff - Squeeze, REM, Alice in Chains, Cars. I liked the one original they did too.

Natalie brown-bagged a couple of beers and good thing she did. They didn't have anything worth buying. There were lots of Hons of varying degrees of authenticity and your stray native Hampdenite. We stayed a few hours and then headed home. Oh, and it was hot, record breaking hot.

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