Sunday, September 16, 2007

Music at Hampdenfest and White Marsh

Went to see two local bands today - The Jennifers and The Pale Stars.

The Jennifers played at Hampdenfest. Natalie and Matthew went with me and we met Leslie there. They checked out the fair while I stayed at the City Paper stage and watched the band. They were really good - good enough to spring for their new CD "Colors From The Future". I wish they had played "Caroline No", a song I downloaded from somewhere. They do a good version of " Good Morning Starshine" but they didn't play that one either. The festival was pretty cool. They had three stages of bands playing all day and from what I heard, all the bands were worth hearing. And for once, they actually had good beer at a street fair - Brewers Art, and it was cheap too, $4.00 a pop. There's also a nice used record store on The Avenue that I'll have to go back and check out by myself.

The Jennifers Onstage At Hampdenfest 2007

Later that day, we went up to The Avenue in White Marsh to hear the Pale Stars. They were really good too. They have kind of an unusual sound. At first I thought they were using backing tracks because I could have sworn I heard keyboards, but it was the lead guitarist. He used a lot of effects to offset the basic sound of the rest of the band. Of the two bands I have to say I liked The Jennifers better. They had a little more edge and punch than the Pale Stars but both bands are good. The Avenue in White Marsh (an "artificial" city street) has a sterile atmosphere compared to a "real" avenue like 36th street. You see some unusual people in Hampden, totally white bread on the fake avenue.

The Pale Stars onstage at The Avenue In White Marsh

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