Monday, November 06, 2006

Daytona Beach

Day Four

Pretty nice today but it's still very windy. This morning Natalie and I went for a walk on the beach then the four of us went to Ponce Inlet State Park. It's a really nice park that's really there by chance. During the 1920's, a hotel and resort was being built there when a bad hurricane came through and destroyed it. The place was never developed. A later hurricane unearthed parts of the original foundation. We walked out to the end of the jetty and then back the other way, along the inlet and Halifax river. There were a few surfers out in the ocean catching some good waves. We skipped the lighthouse this time around, I kind of regret that now. The weather turned bad again and it started drizzling.

Natalie crashed when we got back to the condo. For dinner, Tommy and Matthew and I went on a quest to find a cheese steak sub for Tom. First we headed south but couldn't find a subshop. We ended up at some dumpy-looking place called Pizza King that was only a block from the condo (right next to the "Biggins" strip club.). I wasn't optimistic. For one thing the name on the printed menu was "Antonio's" and the place was deserted. We were pleasantly surprised by the food - it was very good. We just hung out at the condo for the rest of the night.

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