Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bengies Drive-In: 50th Anniversary Show

"I bet the three Vogel brothers, who opened this drive-in 50 years ago tonight, never thought it would still be here for it's Silver Anniversary".

Tuesday night was the 50th Anniversary of the Grand Opening of the Bengies Drive-In. The features were all from the 50's: Humphrey Bogart and Rod Stieger in The Harder They Fall and Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis and Gina Lollobrigida in Trapeze .(Edge to Edge on the biggest screen on the East Coast!). I thought I had never seen The Harder They Fall until the bus with the fighter cut-outs on the side showed up - I must have seen it on broadcast TV when they used to show movies. Trapeze I remember very well, maybe I saw it at the Earl Theater. In those days, it wasn't unusual for theaters to have a movie that was made years before. Maybe it was part of a double-feature. Anyway, I had fun and both movies were good. D. Vogel (the owner) seemed pretty choked up about the whole thing, especially when he talked about his father.

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