Sunday, May 22, 2011

1st Night At The Bengies

Went to our first show at the Bengies this weekend. Natalie, Matthew, Tara and I went. The movies were all good (the new "Pirates" was the weakest). Hard to believe Natalie went,  she never wants to go, but she wanted to see "Thor" for some reason.

Bengies eMail

Dear GREAT Patrons of the Bengies Drive-In Theatre,

We are NOW OPEN on FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY rain or not!   

FOR the  weekend of  MAY 20, 21 & 22: 
A TriPPPle FEATURE Treat  for Friday and Saturday, A DouBBle Feature SUNDAY! 

The box office will OPEN on Friday & Saturday at 7pm,  BUT a little later on Sunday at 7:15pm,  with the show starting all 3 nights at sunset, which will occur THIS weekend at about 8:15pm.

NOTICE: we will not allow one person in a vehicle to occupy space on busy nights.  If you are joining others here at the Bengies, please "hook up" outside the theatre and use one vehicle.  We cannot turn away families because we ran out of space due to folks thinking that the Bengies is a parking lot!  You MAY park at our good neighbor's lot that is the yellow or orange-ish brick building next to the drive-in theater's entrance, (Austen's) if you park correctly, and then you may walk down the roadway to purchase a ticket and join your party.    IF YOU ARE A REGULAR CUSTOMER that normally comes alone, PLEASE email us through the website at least a day prior to your visit and tell us who you are, the year, make, color and model of your vehicle and we may be able to email you an exception.   See the other notes on this in the "BE READY TO ATTEND" link below, and watch for a special email notice on this next week.

On the BIGGEST theatre screen in the USA, our MAIN attraction is the newest installment of the continuing saga of the "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN...ON STRANGER TIDES" rated PG13.  This time, Jack Sparrow (shouldn't there be a captain in there somewhere...?) holds the key to the Fountain of Youth!  Ken and I saw this at the trade screening (Sean had too much to do,... go figure...) and we came away with the same feeling.  It was fast, fun and we did not feel the 131minute running time at at all!  However we both agreed that was absolutely no reason for this to be in 3D.  "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN...ON STRANGER TIDES" will show Friday and Saturday in the second position at 10pm, but much earlier on Sunday after our twilight opening which starts at 8:15pm.

Our co-feature is HELD OVER by OVERWHELMING DEMAND, the new action adventure from MARVEL COMICS  "THOR" is rated PG13 in [ << W I D E -- S C R E E N>> ]  "THOR," Marvel Comics' God of Thunder is cast down to Earth among humans where he must learn what it takes to be a true hero. Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, AND Anthony Hopkins are among a few of the all star cast.  "THOR" will show AFTER "Pirates..." all 3 nights, which means it will begin after the box office closes (due to the running time of "Pirates." . So on Friday and Saturday you MUST be in by midnight when the box office closes, and the box office closes on Sunday at 10:30pm.   You must be in by box office closing time in order to see this feature.  NO ONE is admitted to the Bengies Drive-In Theater AFTER the box office is closed!

A special feature to make it a TriPPPle Feature Treat on Friday & Saturday ONLY, first up just after our 8:15pm Opening Sequence,  we are delighted to present, from Walt Disney Pictures, the fun documentary all about "AFRICAN CATS," rated G, narrated by the awesome voice of Samuel L. Jackson.  With a short running time, this adventure is a true story and hits high acclaim from all critics and viewer alike.Showing first on Friday and Saturday ONLY just after our opening sequence that begins at 8:15pm.

You can help us keep things running smoothly, REMEMBER:
the >CLOSER< it gets to sunset, the L - O - N - G - E - R the line will Become! ARRIVE EARLY!!!... 

We CANNOT allow traffic to build on Maryland State Route 150.
We CANNOT allow traffic to build on Maryland State Route 150 
We WILL NOT allow traffic to build on Maryland State Route 150. 

Friday & Saturday,  May 20 & 21  -TriPPPle FEATURE   
"AFRICAN CATS"  G, begins after our opening sequence at 8:15pm
"Pirates of the Caribbean: ON STRANGER TIDES" PG13, at 10pm

**REDUCED ADMISSION is not available this weekend,  
You MUST be in before the box office closes at 12:15am,   
NO ONE is admitted after the box office is closed.
Box Office CLOSES At 12:15am on Fri. & Sat.
NO ONE is admitted after the box office is closed.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Textile Day at the BMA

Natalie and I went to this event. It was a lot of fun. I saw a couple of print-making demonstrations while Natalie spent most of her time in the main display area. Next year we have to get there earlier.

May 14, 11 am-5 pm

Enjoy this day-long event celebrating the artistry of textiles at the BMA! Participate in art-making activities, featuring workshops on batik to beading, and watch live demos of the experts at work.

New this year!
Fashion show + Family workshops

Also featuring...
- African-American Quilters of Baltimore
- Baltimore Appliqué Society
- Baltimore Heritage Quilters' Guild
- Chesapeake Region Lace Guild
- Embroiderers’ Guild of America
- Others!