I got the new George Romero movie "Diary of the Dead" for Christmas. It was good, not his best, but I liked it better than "Land of the Dead", which is just too slick. This one had great scene at the end. If he had went for "Unrated", instead of "R", and had more jaw-dropping scenes like that, it would have been a much better Dead movie.
Dr.Katz, Season 1
On New Year's Day, Record and Tape Traders had their Buy One/Get One Free sale on used CDs and DVDs. I bought this DVD, "The Fog" (the original - not that crappy remake), The Ultimate Definitive Final Extraordinarily Deluxe Edition of Monty Python & The Holy Grail and five CDs, all for 40 bucks. Not bad. Dr. Katz is great, like a sitcom wrapped around a stand-up comedy routine. This collection is a little skimpy. It's only six episodes with some special features I haven't watched yet. Ray Ramano and Dom Irrera are really funny in it.
Matthew and Tommy really went crazy at the sale. They each spent around a hundred dollars of their Christmas money. I was good and put a lot of stuff back.